EMOM (every minute on the minute) with no break. Change station every min. Only rest is if you complete the reps before the minute is up.
Burpees changed to mountain climbers for my knees. 40lbs on the clean/squats.
#push4progress #wehackhealth
EMOM (every minute on the minute) with no break. Change station every min. Only rest is if you complete the reps before the minute is up.
Burpees changed to mountain climbers for my knees. 40lbs on the clean/squats.
#push4progress #wehackhealth
Unpacked the plates while cursing the tricep extensions in my workout this morning.
Now to get the bag adjusted and get rucking.
Cheeky #personalbest today at the gym.
110kg decline #benchpress, 10 strict pull ups and dumbbell decline presses using 32.5kg dumbbells.
Not sure why I had such a good session, but buzzing about that.
Should probably fit in a nap today
Was looking through the records from my shoulder doc and saw that at our last appointment he found me to be: "Pleasant, well groomed, well nourished, no acute distress"
I suppose I'm usually pleasant enough, but "well-groomed" is a new one
Had a call I could take on the move so I pieced together six miles of walking today along with my shoulder rehab
This mornings workout was tough but fun. Increasing reps throughout the 5 min at each station.
#push4progress #wehackhealth
Cheeky #personalbest on the #benchpress today. 100kg for 3.
Far too early - especially after a week off. #wehackhealth
Three-and-change mile walk and shoulder rehab
Hernia recovery is under way. No issues with pain and the bruising seems to be as bad as it is going to get. Having my navel full of surgical glue kinda sucks, though
Had an appointment with my shoulder doc and he was happy with my recovery and range of motion. Headed to PT tomorrow to see if they change up my rehab routine
I'll take it
Does anyone else use #whoop and find the step count to be massively off compared to other devices?
Second day this week at the gym. Didn't do too bad. Realized I forgot to post Tuesday so here are both days of pics.
#push4progress #wehackhealth
Not looking forward to functioning today - early gym session has woke me up, but I’m exhausted!
At least I’m not running an all day workshop on JML processes
I took the daughter to gymnastics and ended up logging an excercise on my #whoop
Think I might be joining in a little more than I should .
Went back through the PT doc today to get my daily rehab exercise programming updated
The good news: They have me lifting weights again
The bad news: These are the weights
(Don't tell her, but I might be a bad boy and use my three-pounders instead)
A few things you should know about me before following me on this platform:
I am in #recovery.
I support others in recovery.
I am an #athiest, but that doesn’t mean I am not #spiritual; nor lacking a moral compass.
I believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all human beings.
This includes all races, gender identities (or lack thereof) & sexual orientations (or lack thereof).
I like #bicycles, a lot.
I like #food, a lot.
I like #running, a lot.
I read, a lot.
I play #guitar, mostly poorly.
I love #music.
I am a #technologist.
I specialize in #InfoSec and #CyberSecurity.
I believe we become stronger by sharing our humanity and our vulnerability.
I care deeply about the health of the US democracy.
Any and all of these topics, as well as others, may appear in my feed.