It's been a while since I achieved a major milestone with #Zwift, so it feels pretty good to share that I just hit a 52 week streak!
It's been a while since I achieved a major milestone with #Zwift, so it feels pretty good to share that I just hit a 52 week streak!
Kann bitte mal jemand was erfinden, das das Anfressen der soeben verbrannten 748kcal mindestens(!) ebenso anstrengend macht, wie das Abarbeiten?
Half marathon training
Week 12, run 3/3
Another PB in distance: 18 km
Lovely weather, a bit too cold at the beginning but under the sunshine everything feels good
Today I experimented with real food as fuel.
- 200g of roasted potatoes
34g of carbs,
0,20 €
- 50g of dried apricots (rehydrated the night before)
31g of carbs,
0,25 €
- half a tab of electrolytes in 250ml of water 0 carbs,
0,25 €
Expensive gels are not mandatory
“How well does existing law protect the private health data collected by [#HealthTech] apps? We discuss the issues posed by healthcare apps that collect sensitive data relating to a user’s #MentalHealth, #ReproductiveHealth, dietary habits, or #fitness.”
Half marathon training
Week 12, run 1/3
This was a complete disaster .
It was supposed to be a tempo run with 10' at slow pace, 3x10' at 6:16 (+ 3' recovery) and 10' slow pace .
First 10' interval at 6:01/km, but I was struggling mentally. Then 5' into the second interval (at 6:13/km) I felt a sudden nausea and I stopped. I walked back home (2,5 km) feeling ok, I ate and unfortunately spent the rest of the day vomiting in the bathroom .
Hey #runnersofmastodon and #fitness people in general
What are some fitness and #running apparel brands that are not from the US?
I know Lulu is Canadian and I have a ton of their stuff.
I also know Adidas is German.
Any other suggestions?
A new year a renewed #introduction
I am Dude, associated with the movie but there the comparison ends.
An updated #Introduction for 2025:
I’m a dad, #cat whisperer, #computer nerd, occasional #gamer, and #movie lover. I’m a #quality minded #professional and I make my own #homebrew beer. #freebsd. Enthousiast I love #fitness #walking #programming in #python and #3Dprinting. Busy with #homeassistant and more.
Ik spreek voornamelijk Nederlands, Engels een beetje Duits.
So if you're a runner and wish to learn a new language would you give this method a try?
PS: sorry for the shaky footage
Even when I don't have time to study #Korean, I feel like I am not losing any progress. Moreover I've seen my pronunciation improve considerably, though I still get challenged by some words (like 깨끗핬으면 "kkekkeutasseumion"
Memory. It's hard to repeat long sentences in a foreign language and sometimes I say the first half but forget the second one. It's a good exercise to remember things we only hear once.
This is a post combining my two passions: #running and #languagelearning, specifically #Korean
A while ago I started doing my easy runs while listening to Korean sentences. The audio I uploaded here is a sample from @tomikorean Grammar Book 2
Advantages: Running slow in zone 2 gets easy because the focus is not on running, but on repeating sentences. If at any point I don't have enough breath to repeat a sentence, it means that I need to slow down.
That was an impressive 500 pound lift.
Das ist der Hammer - herzlich willkommen liebe Katrin und lieber Daniel mit #bevegt im #fediverse! #neuhier #goodnews
Teilen und folgen wäre klasse, um die großartige Plattform rund um Themen wie #laufen #vegan #gesundheit #fitness #nachhaltigkeit #achtsamkeit #plantbased #marathon #bikesofmastodon #ernährung uvm. bei den #unplugtrump Schritten zu unterstützen!
#blog #podcast #community #mastodon
Last week stressed me out so much I did nothing but work out trying to be as intimidating as possible to everyone at the Soul Housing.
Imagine me circling the building punching the air, randomly doing pushups and workouts, and ticking more than usual.
I also didn't eat much.
I now weigh 160 pounds at six foot, and there is no fat on my body.
Only reason I don't have a six pack is because of stretch marks and extra skin from once being big.
Cheeky #personalbest today at the gym.
110kg decline #benchpress, 10 strict pull ups and dumbbell decline presses using 32.5kg dumbbells.
Not sure why I had such a good session, but buzzing about that.
Should probably fit in a nap today
Mit dem Rad ist man schneller als mit dem Auto! Zumindest auf Strecken bis 5 km.
Klingt nach einer Ausnahme für besonders sportliche Leute? Ist es aber nicht!
Fast die Hälfte aller Autofahrten sind kürzer als 5 km – also genau die Distanzen, auf denen das Fahrrad unschlagbar ist.
Während das Auto noch im Stop-and-Go festhängt, ist man mit dem Rad längst angekommen – mit null Spritkosten, null Emissionen und einer Extraportion Bewegung!
Fasted Sunday 5 listening to this new awesome album - and now for cake and happy days
#Running #runnersofmastodon #RunningPunk #Health #fitness #silentsunday #march #Spring #Music #cake #doves #mentalhealth #mindfulness #Life #athlete #2025 #run #runner #good
Wenn ich bei der sonntäglichen Laufrunde morgens bei strahlend #Sonnenschein und -1°C an mürrisch dreinblickenden Leuten vorbei komme, die gerade ihr geliebtes #Auto mühselig freikratzen, kann ich mir ja ein Grinsen nicht verkneifen. #fitness #jogging
I hurt so good. Except for my knee, which has been popping and needs to be retrained into tightness while riding. Biking season is here again, and I am so here for it.