Not a single neighbourhood kid came to offer to shovel snow. Kids these days?! #snow #snowmageddon
Not a single neighbourhood kid came to offer to shovel snow. Kids these days?! #snow #snowmageddon
Good Morning #Canada
Does anyone remember Toronto’s Metromelt machines? They were a fleet of 5 large vehicles, $140,000 each in the 80s, that scooped up snow into a heated tank and reduced it to water that drained into the sewers. They were awesome to watch, but ultimately, fuel and maintenance costs put an end to their use, and they were mothballed. They were very helpful 25 years ago, when the army came to help Toronto.
#CanadaIsAwesome #Snowmageddon
Good Morning #Canada
Canadians who live outside of Montreal may not realize that this city is recognized worldwide as one of the best in snow management. With Montreal announcing yesterday that snow removal operations will take the next 8 days to clear away recent storms, here is a video that provides some details on how that's done. Over 40% of the removed snow ends up in the Saint-Michel Quarry where it might not melt this summer.
#CanadaIsAwesome ##Snowmageddon
##Snowmageddon update: We are stuck in our house for a few days. Our neighbour with the giant snowthrower had an equipment breakdown yesterday. Might be a few days before he can get it repaired. Trying to decide if I tackle 150 metres of driveway with my little single stage battery snowblower.
Not urgent - we have food, power, internet, and wood for the fireplace. We even have chips.
It’s so much snow that the subways are down some places where they go outside. And it’s still coming down. Heavy. #Toronto #Snowmageddon
The storm is certainly storming a lot right now wowo
Check out the live feed of the snowplow coms, traffic cameras weather radar and more on my live dashboard:
Shoveled some channels for the dog to get off the back deck, but not sure if that was useful. The snow in the yard is over her shoulders.
Patio season is still a few weeks away....
That was quite the storm! I'm going to need to get another angle for another timelapse the one that's starting now I think..
Same here in Caledon. This is the 2nd heaviest snow cover we've had in the 15 years living here. My battery snowblower (single stage) usually can clean up where I need to, but today, it has to recharge for round two.
Patio season is quite a way off....
Good Morning #Canada
I'm sitting here sipping coffee and mentally preparing to head outside to clear roughly 25 cm dumped on us last night. Many Canadians across eastern Canada are doing the same, with the lucky ones having a snowblower at their disposal. No surprise, if you are in an area of heavy snow, then 50% or more own a machine. Gas blowers still dominate (88%), but battery units have doubled in use over the past decade.
#CanadaIsAwesome ##Snowmageddon
Nothing like a good old
fashioned February blizzard. #onstorm #snowmageddon
Recipe: Old Fashioned, 2 oz Canadian Rye Whiskey, 1 oz simple syrup, dash of bitters, ice cubes, sideways blowing snow
With a large storm threatening eastern Canada, perhaps some upbeat music will get us in the right mood.
"Ice Storm" by Lindsey Stirling
#canada #northvancouver #snowmageddon
Do, do, do
Looking out my back door
Almost 30cm of snow over 2 days.