I suffered from time slippage today. One minute it was morning and the next it is seven in the evening.
I mean, what just happened?
Can someone roll the tape back? I need a do-over.
Yesterday evening, there were even better conditions to see #Mercury in the evening sky. Again, from the same spot on a bridge over the #Escaut river in Northern France.
To see a short 8 second #timelapse seeing Mercury vanish behind the trees on the horizon:
#Astronomy #Astronomie #Astro #AstroPhotography #Astrofotografie #Planets #Planeten #Venus #Mercury NaturePhotography #Nature #Water #River #Fluss #Wasser #Stille #Kontemplation #Spiegelung #Zeitraffer
Painting Timelapse - Shichimi and Torreya
Here are all of my January Procreate time lapse videos in one longer video.
How to draw Sonic the Hedgehog losing his rings and his iPod.
A 24h timelapse showing the dramatic nyctinastic movement of a calathea (also known as a rattlesnake or prayer plant).
I'm adding more of my time lapse videos onto my YouTube channel:
I've also started uploading the cover art timelapses I've made for each of the cover artworks in this album, the first being @Melody in Cyberpunk Skunk!
You can also get this track's artwork on shirts, mugs etc. on my #Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/164523076
More timelapses coming soon!
Ever wanted to know how to draw a balanced breakfast?
Here's a time-lapse of yesterday's Februdoodle illustration showing just that!
That was quite the storm! I'm going to need to get another angle for another timelapse the one that's starting now I think..
If you ever wanted to know how to draw a chicken in the style of the Monopoply guy, here's a quick time-lapse of yesterday's Februdoodle!
Ended up with more clear skies tonight, despite the forecast. Was testing out the S&Q video mode on the new camera today and it happened to be rolling when the aurora spiked in the early evening.
I love a little moonlight with aurora photography, even a full moon.
Here's a lowres version so I don't fill up the hard drive space on our mastodon instance :)
Today's @pixel_dailies prompt was "swarm", and screw it, accidental #pokemon theme week time.
I loved swarm encounters in X and Y, just like I loved the ability to really over-commit in Legends: Arceus. Somehow Hoppip becomes intimidating when there's five of them and one of you.