Some dancing kittens to make you smile today, happy Tuesday!
Available here...
Some pretty hydrangea flowers for Tuesday, have a good one!
Available here..
The winner of the last #HangTrek poll was E. There is no E.
This is a phrase with 4 words of 6, 5, 5 & 5 letters, respectively.
_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ /
_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _
Wrong guesses: E
This is the 2nd poll & will run for 24 hours.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
Rules & previous HangTreks may be found here:
Poll 5 of the current round of #SarlaccPit!
We have another tie in the last poll....between E and O this time. There are 4 E's and 3 O's.
We are looking for 5 words with 10, 3, 5, 2 and 4 letters, respectively.
R E _ E _ _ _ O _ S A R E _ _ _ _ _ O _ H O _ E
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
Rules & previous Sarlacc Pits may be found here:
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Wars shows and movies.
The next poll and will run for 24 hours.
A pretty little cardinal from my bird collection!
Available here..
Faolán: A guardian of the mystical and magical fae land. Happy St. Patty's Day!!
"Tranquil Thoughts"
As I stand on the shores of Maine's beautiful Lake Arrowhead, my thoughts turn to the sheer beauty before me, and I feel a sense of awe at this truly spectacular . . . READ MORE
Welcome to another edition of #HangTrek, the #StarTrek-themed word game.
This is a phrase with 4 words of 6, 5, 5 & 5 letters, respectively.
_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ /
_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _
There are no wrong guesses yet.
This is the 1st poll & will run for 24 hours.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
Rules & previous HangTreks may be found here:
We have a winner for this round of #HangTrek! @darth_hideout correctly guessed the quote:
"You're confusing our universe with someone else's!"
It was said by Captain Archer in the Star Trek: Enterprise Season 4 episode "In a Mirror Darkly, Part II"
You may start a new round of #HangTrek or nominate someone to do so.
Poll 4 of the current round of #SarlaccPit!
Hera and Ragnar have teamed up to achieve victory in the latest poll. There is 1 H and there are 2 R's.
We are looking for 5 words with 10, 3, 5, 2 and 4 letters, respectively.
R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S A R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
Rules & previous Sarlacc Pits may be found here:
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Wars shows and movies.
The next poll and will run for 24 hours.
Sharing one of my newer southwest pieces: Where the Roadrunner Roams. Have a good one!
With 53% of the votes, the winner of the fifth #HangTrek poll was E. There are seven Es!
We are looking for a quote with 7 words: 5, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7 and 5 letters. There have been no incorrect letters.
_ _ _ ' _ E / C _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ I _ E _ _ E / _ I T _ / _ _ _ E _ _ E / E L _ E ' _
This sixed poll will run for 24 hours. Anyone can join in or make a guess at any time.
Rules of the game and previous answers can be found at:
Good luck and have fun!
Poll 3 of the current round of #SarlaccPit!
A achieved victory in the latest poll. There is 1 A.
We are looking for 5 words with 10, 3, 5, 2 and 4 letters, respectively.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
Rules & previous Sarlacc Pits may be found here:
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Wars shows and movies.
The next poll and will run for 24 hours.
A sweet little fawn in the dandelions, happy Saturday!
Available here..
A sweet little bluebird..happy Saturday!
Available here..
A sweet little bluebird, happy Saturday!
Available here..
With 32% of the votes, the winner of the fourth #HangTrek poll was T. There is one T.
We are looking for a quote with 7 words: 5, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7 and 5 letters. There have been no incorrect letters.
_ _ _ ' _ _ / C _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ / _ I T _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ L _ _ ' _
This fifth poll will run for 24 hours. Anyone can join in or make a guess at any time.
Rules of the game and previous answers can be found at:
Good luck and have fun!