A Fox Sparrow in a spruce tree.
See it bigger here: https://jan-luit.pixels.com/featured/a-fox-sparrow-in-a-spruce-tree-jan-luit.html
A Fox Sparrow in a spruce tree.
See it bigger here: https://jan-luit.pixels.com/featured/a-fox-sparrow-in-a-spruce-tree-jan-luit.html
This cute bunny is waiting for spring, or for Easter, or... for you!
Have a lovely day!
Waiting for you - handmade watercolor painting
A pretty little cardinal from my bird collection!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/sweet-little-cardinal-2-tina-lecour.html
Faolán: A guardian of the mystical and magical fae land. Happy St. Patty's Day!!
"Tranquil Thoughts"
As I stand on the shores of Maine's beautiful Lake Arrowhead, my thoughts turn to the sheer beauty before me, and I feel a sense of awe at this truly spectacular . . . READ MORE https://pixels.com/featured/tranquil-thoughts-scott-loring-davis.html
Fuenlabrada: exposición y fanzine “Palestina en el corazón” https://loquesomos.org/fuenlabrada-exposicion-y-fanzine-palestina-en-el-corazon/ #Palestina #Arte #Decolonial #Artivismo
#Exposición #Justicia #Paz #StopGenocide
Sharing one of my newer southwest pieces: Where the Roadrunner Roams. Have a good one! https://1-lisas-baker.pixels.com/featured/where-the-roadrunner-roams-lisa-s-baker.html
𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝙺𝚘𝚗𝚐 (level 3)
From a series of voxel art tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
As there were no voxel editors yet, I made them by extruding polygons in 3ds Max.
Some high-res images from this series are available here…
Hier noch ein Link auf die #arte Doku über das Erzgebirge, die ich gestern Abend geguckt habe
Macht natürlich Lust, dorthin mal in den Urlaub zu fahren. Vielleicht ja doch den Malerweg dieses Jahr.
Mein herzliches Dankeschön geht an einen Kunstliebhaber in Würzburg - möge dir das Kleine Rotkehlchen Nummer zwei auf Leinwand gedruckt viel Freude bringen!
--> https://www.artheroes.de/de/motiv/Kleines-Rotkehlchen-Nummer-zwei/1147865
A male Common Goldeneye.
See it bigger here: https://jan-luit.pixels.com/featured/a-male-common-goldeneye-with-reflection-jan-luit.html
"Old Barn In Winter"
By #ScottLoringDavis
This old weathered wooden barn stands at the edge of a snow-covered field as it has for the past 150 years . . . READ MORE - https://pixels.com/featured/old-barn-in-winter-scott-loring-davis.html