U.S. citizens: Drowning in email? So are most U.S. government representatives. Consider phoning their office or send them a letter via postal mail instead.
Defend democracy! Whether you’re unhappy with what your Senators and Representative are doing, or even if you trust they are doing what you’d like them to, don’t be silent. Let them all hear from you!
Find contact info for your U.S. Senators https://www.senate.gov/senators/ and U.S. Representatives https://www.house.gov/representatives.
...she said what she said...now get off her land and leave her beloved people alone!
"...what kinda freedom are you talking about when you want to confine us out of our homeland and in exile ?" - Maria Hanoun, a child of Gaza
Ever seen someone being bullied but looked or walked away so you wouldn’t have to help?
Be honest. It’s okay. We’ve all been there.
But next time, channel your inner movie hero. Help out. Speak up. Gang up against the bully. The credits may not roll immediately, but you’ll feel like a star for doing the right thing.