tomatoes always sprout a little faster than peppers. these two were planted on the same day, a little less than two weeks ago.
tomatoes always sprout a little faster than peppers. these two were planted on the same day, a little less than two weeks ago.
#ExeterSeedBank's #SeedSwap will be on Sunday 2 March, 11 – 2pm, at the Positive Light Projects, Sidwell St, #Exeter, EX46RD
Booking links for individual talks in the following post.
Diverse populations of garden vegetables now available from Going to Seed.
This is US only, but the Canadian collection opens in a few weeks.
Pay what you can.
Hi y’all I thought I’d do a new intro post, given the influx of users. I’m into #goats, #gardening, #simpleliving, #seedsaving, #solarpunk, and exploring the tension between #tech and #nature.
Here to find a community of creative folks who are into #degrowth, #DIY, #solar, #privacy, and #sustainability. Let’s swap seeds, thoughts, and maybe a few wild ideas!
Since I'm new on this instance I'll throw up a lists of hashtags
#Nature #Camping #Outdoors #Bees #BumbleBees #Birds #Birding #Butterflies #Bison #Bonobos #Prairies #Forests #Food #Cooking #Baking #Making #Sewing #DIY #Travel #Peru #Ecuador #CostaRica #Panama #TrinidadAndTobago #Mexico #Writing #SpanishLanguage #Gardening #CommunityGarden #OrganicGardening #SeedSaving #SeedToTable #Tomatoes #Babylon5 #BattlestarGalactica #CozyMystery #LGBTQ #Wisconsin
#Introduction: #Editorial Guild for #Permaculture #Design #Magazine since '98, #Homestead #polyculture #Farm on 10A of partly forested sand.
#NaturalBuilding #Agroecology #Agroforestry #Ecoforestry #SeedSaving #restoration #soil #Erosion #Rewilding #Wetlands #Earthworks #Watersheds #bioregions #AridPermaculture #UrbanAgriculture #UrbanPermaculture #SpongeCities #FloodPrevention #ClimateAdaptation #ClimateChange
#CurrentEvents #comedy #humor #cartoons