Happy New clipping Day to those who celebrate!
Happy New clipping Day to those who celebrate!
Now that this Istanbul snowstorm is behind us, I’ll be back in town this Saturday 15.03 evening to play at Arter Museum. Excited to be sharing the bill with none other than Charlemagne Palestine, who will be performing "Strumming Music". Görüşürüz!
Makroplastik – Dunkler Streifen des Zweifels
Brace yourself for 16 tracks of eclectic, but always weird and wild, electro/noise/rock experimentalism.
@noisio (Mastodon)
Air Cushion Finish – Flink
This one is a long, strange trip that recalls some of the weirder, vocal-focused moments of krautrock history.
A little mixing and editing later... untitled, Draft, intricate electronic music.
New #review : "In February 1991 #OksanaLinde presented the show Travesía Acuastral (Aqua-Astral Journey) at Casa Rómulo Gallegos, a part of the Third Encounter of New #ElectronicMusic, a significant event in forging an experimental electronic music scene in Venezuela. Three of the pieces on Travesías were composed especially for that show..." #ExposeOnline #ExperimentalMusic http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/oksana-linde-travesias-3.html
Some very cool experimental music
I know many of you are tired of the chaos in Washington, DC, but I happen to love chaotic music! So here's a playlist. Enjoy!
embracing chaos - Giorgio Magnanensi
New #review today: "Here at Exposé, our first encounter with #AlanJenkins was with his band called The Thurston Lava Tube, which played experimental surf music. Jenkins has many other projects, including The Creams, The Deep Freeze Mice, and The #KetteringVampires. This group’s music is centered around #PsychedelicRock with a hefty dose of trippy experimentalism." #ExposeOnline #ExperimentalMusic http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/alan-jenkins-and-the-kettering-vampires-painting-the-horses-nose-in-the-wrong-place-2.html
Next up for #BandcampFriday I'm adding folk jazz-hoptronica album "For Beauty's Source" by Dimitri Grimm (formerly Dimlite) to my digital collection
Yes, I made up that genre classificaiton. No, I'll never use it again.
#Bandcamp #ElectronicMusic #ExperimentalMusic
It's #bandcampFriday and I actually have something to promote, my modular ambient album, "mending" which i released last month. Three tracks, three different synth patches.
#NewRelease: #InclusionPrinciple - Clarino Oscuro new #ExperimentalMusic on #DiscusMusic out tomorrow. https://discusmusic.bandcamp.com/album/clarino-oscura-9011dl-2025
New #review today: "For the six tracks on Triple Helix, #KevinKastning plays 17-string subcontraguitar, 18-string contraguitar, 28-string double contraguitar, and 36-string double contraguitar; #CarlClements plays tenor, alto, and soprano saxophones; and #SoheilPeyghambari plays clarinet and bass clarinet." #ExposeOnline #ExperimentalMusic http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/kevin-kastning-carl-clements-soheil-peyghambari-triple-helix-3.html
New Release: "Blurred Landscapes"
Gear: ASM Hydrasynth Desktop; Roland MV-1; Joranalogue Orbit 3; After Later Pachinko (Marbles).
#music #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #krautadjacent #sortakindamotorik
Copyright (C) 2025 Flock of Nazguls. License: CC BY-NC-SA.
All sonics by Flock of Nazguls. No AI crap.
New #review: "#InclusionPrinciple began back in 2005 as the duo of #HervéPerez and #MartinArcher. Their first recording in 2006 was credited to the two and titled The Inclusion Principle; their second album in 2010 and all recordings since are credited to Exclusion Principle. The Call of a Crumbling World is the group’s fifth studio album..." #ExposeOnline #ExperimentalMusic #DiscusMusic http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/inclusion-principle-the-call-of-a-crumbling-world-3.html
Been a while since I did a kosmische oriented show- feels right in these turbulent times to take a break and go to deeeeep spaaaaaace! No seat belt needed, we will float.
#kosmischemusik,#experimentalmusic, #electroacoustic, #radioshow, #weirdshit
pjpriiincess – T.A.S.
A four-track EP of delightfully weird but welcoming abstract electronic explorations that fall just outside the realm of ambient.
New #review today: "One of the brighter lights of the French independent and #AvantGarde scene since the early 70s, trumpeter and composer Jacques #JacBerrocal has also appeared in several films, as well as releasing numerous albums from 1973 onward, including many collaborations. He is also a founding member of the group #Catalogue (along with #JeanFrançoisPauvros and #GilbertArtman)..." #ExposeOnline #ExperimentalMusic #AvantJazz http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/jac-berrocal-vincent-epplay-tzarina-re-tuned-sparkling-sessions-copenhagen-catalogue-assassins-3.html
Charlemagne Palestine - Godbear
Inspired to put this on by @benthos from earlier #vinyl @vinylrecords #piano #ambient #experimentalMusic #NowPlaying
A big influence on my stuff, for sure.
The aftermath of recording the tune below is in my profile banner - https://aboombong.bandcamp.com/track/areopagitica
from the album The Sequel – Uncanny Valleys 2
#feinstruktur #bandcamp #ElectronicMusic #ExperimentalMusic