Natsit haluavat että heitä heilataan?
"Avainasemassa on vallan siirtäminen uusille medioille, jotka ovat valmiina legitimoimaan presidentin toimintaa ja toisaalta hivelemään hänen egoaan."

Natsit haluavat että heitä heilataan?
"Avainasemassa on vallan siirtäminen uusille medioille, jotka ovat valmiina legitimoimaan presidentin toimintaa ja toisaalta hivelemään hänen egoaan."
«JD Vance wurde während eines Konzerts im Kennedy Center ausgebuht»
[09:34] Russia doesn’t want ceasefire: But with a pro-Putin Trump, why would it?
In case there was any doubt about which country - Russia or Ukraine - was the obstacle to peace, the Kremlin dispelled it this week with its response to the 30-day ceasefire plan pushed by the Trump administration. Ukrainian representatives unconditionally agreed on Tuesday to the ceasefire during a meeting with U.S. envoys in Saudi Arabia. But on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin turned down the U.S. overture - even if he did so in language designed not to offend President Donald Trump.
#Russia #Ukraine #Kremlin #thisweek #30_day #Trump #Ukrainian #Tuesday #U.S. #SaudiArabia #Thursday #Russian #VladimirPutin #DonaldTrump
Facing Trump’s threats, Columbia investigates students critical of Israel
> Columbia University senior Maryam Alwan [..] received an email from the school accusing her of harassment.
Her supposed top offense: writing an op-ed in the student newspaper calling for divestment from Israel
The probe is part of a flurry of recent cases brought by a new university disciplinary committee — against Columbia students who have expressed criticism of #Israel #MAGA #DonaldTrump #Gaza
Politico: Portugali vetäytymässä hävittäjäkaupoista Trumpin ärhentelyn vuoksi
US stock market tumbles again as Trump threatens tariffs on wine | Donald Trump #DonaldTrump #economy #FinancialMarkets #UnitedStates #US&Canada
Onko se siis niin että nykyään suomettumisella tarkoitetaan tilaa, jossa maa ilman Yhdysvaltojen miehitystä, ilman natsikaappausta ja ilman demokraattisten laitosten poistamista on tietyn asteisessa riippuvaisuussuhteessa Washingtonista?
US, Israel look to Africa for Gaza relocation plan #DonaldTrump #Egypt #GazaStrip #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #Jordan #Sudan
Far-right former president: Brazil top court to consider Bolsonaro 'coup' case on March 25
> Brazil's Supreme Court on Thursday said it would consider on March 25 whether to try #FarRight former president #JairBolsonaro on charges of masterminding an attempted coup.
> Bolsonaro, 69, has been the target of multiple investigations since his turbulent years as president of Latin America's biggest democracy from 2019 to 2023. #Brazil #DonaldTrump #MAGA
[07:45] LIVE | Poetin: Amerikaans voorstel voor bestand met Oekraïne moet worden herzien
De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump hield woensdagnacht een speech in het Congres en zei daarin dat Washington zowel met Kiev als Moskou in contact is over het beëindigen van de oorlog.
#Amerikaanse #DonaldTrump #Congres #Washington #Kiev #Moskou
False or misleading statements by Donald Trump
> Many news organizations initially resisted describing Trump's falsehoods as lies, but began to do so in June 2019. The Washington Post said his frequent repetition of claims he knew to be false amounted to a campaign based on disinformation. #MAGA #DonaldTrump @roknrol @Urban_Hermit
Anonymous letter: warning of negative consequences of Donald Trump's tariffs
In an unsigned letter, Tesla has warned the US government of the consequences of imposing more and more new tariffs. Exporters would suffer in particular.
█ Qui dia passa frontera empeny: per què Putin no té pressa amb un alto el foc a Ucraïna ▓▒░ El president rus ha demostrat que coneix bé el punt feble del seu homòleg nord-americà: la vanitat
Defending sovereignty : #Panama 'firm' on canal as US reportedly weighs options
> NBC News, citing two unnamed #US officials, said the White House has asked the military to "draw up options for increasing the American troop presence in Panama" -- everything from more US-Panama security cooperation to an actual seizure. #MAGA #DonaldTrump
#CANADA - WARNING: B.C. woman detained at U.S. border, sent to Arizona facility in chains
> Family and friends of a #Vancouver entrepreneur are demanding answers after she was unexpectedly detained by #US #immigration officials while attempting to cross the border with a job offer and visa paperwork in hand. #MAGA #DonaldTrump
#JDVance would be ”shocked” if #DonaldTrump accepted the #Polish offer of #nuclerSharing. Does #America fear #Russia? Do they act in a way that only helps them? What about their allies?
Even if it wasn’t possible to incorporate #Poland into the programme, the refusal could have been made in a more diplomatic way, in my opinion.
■ Steve Witkoff, el amigo íntimo de Trump 'superenviado' de paz sin experiencia diplomática ■ El magnate inmobiliario se ha convertido en la figura fundamental en cualquier negociación geopolítica, de Rusia a Israel. Muy influyente en el círculo presidencial, suya fue la elección de Va[…]
Anonymer Brief von Tesla: Warnung vor negativen Folgen von Donald Trumps Zöllen
In einem nicht unterzeichneten Brief hat Tesla die US-Regierung vor den Folgen der Verhängung immer neuer Zölle gewarnt. Exporteure würden besonders leiden.
Tariffs could put damper on new Apopka laundry business #apopka #business #CentralFlorida #coin #Community #customer #damper #DonaldTrump #GrandOpening #JOB #laundry #ModernLaundromatExperience #NewApopkaLaundryBusiness #PotentialImpact #tariff #TariffsCouldPutDamperOnNewCentralFloridaLaundryBusiness #thursday
Federal judges in California and Maryland on Thursday ordered U.S. President Donald Trump's administration to reinstate thousands of probationary federal workers who lost their jobs as part of mass firings carried out at 19 agencies. The back-to-back rulings were the most significant blow yet to the effort by Trump and top adviser Elon Musk to drastically shrink the federal bureaucracy. #us #usa #news #minimarketonlineltd #minimarket #America #trump #donaldtrump #elonmusk #Doge