If you're in #BC and are dependent on Starlink as a rural resident, I encourage you to check out https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/connectivity-in-bc for other possible options.
If you're in #BC and are dependent on Starlink as a rural resident, I encourage you to check out https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/connectivity-in-bc for other possible options.
In addition to the great choices of #Canadian whisky, that are available even here in #Tennessee , you can #BuyCanadian personal care products at such as Harry’s anti-perspirant
, that are sold everywhere in #Canada and also in the #UnitedStates at stores ranging from Sprouts to #Kroger.
#BoycottUSA to quickly end the #Trump #TradeWar and #SaveAmerica from #fascism.
#NoFrills has been putting the maple leaf signs on their price tags for a few weeks now but this is the first time I’ve seen the black tariff triangle.
#tesla #musk #boycottusa #buyeuropean #buycanadian #maga
In case you haven't seen it yet... Musk latest retweet
‘Prior to all of this, one of our most popular spinach was Popeye Spinach. We used to sell 60 to 80 bags a day of that stuff,” said Innis. “In the last week that we had it, we sold two bags. That’s a message.” https://www.vicnews.com/local-news/us-produce-wears-out-welcome-with-victoria-grocery-store-7879210 #BuyCanadian #TradeWar #Tariffs #ElbowsUp
#TIL #Carney has Been Living Rent-Free in Our Wallets This Whole Time! Suck it #PeePee #TimbitTrump
Always always always look on dairy products for The Dairy Farmers of Canada logo!
What is a good #Canadian website for buying items designed by Canadians, like T-shirts and things? Like Red Bubble or Cafe Press. #BuyCanadian
« ... Si au Canada, les consommateurs achètent une canne de soupe Aylmer par semaine, ils vont collectivement sauver 100 emplois. C’est tout ce que je demande ».
Est-ce que, collectivement, on est capables de faire en sorte que les entreprises canadiennes n'aient plus à exporter leurs produits vers les États-Unis en compensant la perte des ventes par nos achats ?
Info via @Louis
@cbcnews Your headline: “Should Canada turn the other cheek?” is so offensive that words fail me. We are not ever contemplating “turning the other cheek”. We are promoting #BuyCanadian, we are building new trade agreements, we are loudly proclaiming our Canadian pride and posting #ElbowsUp. You should be reinforcing this rather than trying to play devil’s advocate. There is no negotiating with evil, no pacifying a bully. #ShameOnYou. #FourthEstateFilth https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tariffs-retaliatory-1.7482385
US produce wears out welcome with Victoria, British Columbia grocery store
The store says it has made moves to source all 380 of its fruits and vegetable from non-American growers
“Prior to all of this, one of our most popular spinach was Popeye Spinach. We used to sell 60 to 80 bags a day of that stuff,” said Innis. “In the last week that we had it, we sold two bags. That’s a message.”
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk #yyj #VictoriaBC
HBC was started in 1670. Its downfall was accelerated after it was bought out by an American businessman and then an American equity company.
Another Canadian business was ruined by Americans. Why do we let this happen over and over?
As we push for #BuyCanadian, we must show disagreement for our most successful businesses getting acquired by capitalists from foreign countries.
#BuyCanadian #BuyFromEU und dann gibt es da noch https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/teslatakedown #teslatakedown