Canada, eh! Show this to your winter cat @KissAnne
Cat Loves Being Pushed In Sled By His Mom
Canada, eh! Show this to your winter cat @KissAnne
Cat Loves Being Pushed In Sled By His Mom
Okay so I don't know how to add two photos to one post so here's the second photo. As a Blind person experimenting with posting photos for the amusement and #TimelineCleanser value of others, I'd love feedback about the aesthetic difference sunlight makes, and why the AI thought my window had white curtains in the previous photo
It's surpassingly rare for me to be awake and moving around before 9 a.m. This morning I took these two #timelineCleanser photos in my front room where most of my houseplants live. I know this room gets excellent morning sun but as a Blind person I'm not well positioned to know when it's at its peak or whether its absense is due to cloud. About half an hour after I took the first photo I could tell sun was truly streaming in, so I took another photo. FYI there's no sheer curtains on my window.
#TimelineCleanser This little beauty is ready to burst into bloom at any moment and fill my kitchen with gloreous scent: even more precious because it's a gift from a friend. Thank you flowers
I think there can never be too much Kermit in spring. Let's sing!
Also: Nomph!
This one, apparently, is very eager with the food, although the sideways munching is not very efficient for them.
Alpacas! And some snow.
This was a walk with the alpacas, with quite a bit of alpaca knowledge included: They are really intelligent, have a fairly consistent hierarchy and marching order, they were selectively bred thousands of years ago from vicuña (and sadly produce way too much wool for their own good), they make very cute noises, and they will fight of smaller predators (which includes wolves).
You are wrong. Taking care of yourself takes care of everyone. Love yourself. Don't promote #GeneralStrike and promote #TaxStrike.
Here's a nice timeline cleanser for you :
Happy #Caturday!
For today, we have a double whammy: A blep and a mlem.
I hope you all had a wonderful (or at least acceptable) #WhiskersWednesday!
The neighborhood #fox has graced me with its presence again. It is skittish, but curious about the shutter noise (the first picture is the fifth image in a series, and the one where the image stabilization was good enough, since it was dark). The others are bonus (I forgot to turn on subject recognition).
I think I need to get a used 70-200mm f/2.8 thingies, or a thing that goes up to 600mm or something...
#BloomScrolling - Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) brings back memory of my childhood in the countryside in France, adventuring in fields of wildflowers and making bouquets.
As a bit of sunday sillyness, have a cat about to do a somersault.
"Oh, it's #WhiskersWednesday, time to get read-"
"... did you just-"
#BloomScrolling - Something to brighten up your day or evening.
Scientists accidentally created the cutest mouse in the world