Bible Thumped: Supreme Court Sends Ryan Walters’ “Biblical Indoctrination Plan” to Timeout #EverythingElse #RyanWalters
Bible Thumped: Supreme Court Sends Ryan Walters’ “Biblical Indoctrination Plan” to Timeout #EverythingElse #RyanWalters
Court Blocks Superintendent Walters’ Bible Purchase, For Now #OklahomaSupremeCourt #Oklahomaeducation #DonaldTrump #Publicmoney #RyanWalters #Education #Bibles
Board of Education Approves Controversial Social Studies Standards #OklahomaBoardofEducation #SocialStudyStandards #BiblesinClassrooms #RyanWalters #Education
One side note, my friend Aaron Baker is quoted in this story!
Bixby schools Supt Rob Miller announces run for state supt #2026raceforOklahomaStateSuperintendentofSchools #OklahomaStateSuperintendentRyanWalters #RyanWalters #StateNews #education #RobMiller #Oklahoma
I feel deeply squicky about expressing approval of anything #KevinStitt says or does, but this is GOOD.
Every child has the right to an education, and a good one. EVERY child.
This is the better path, Mr. Stitt. Keep going.
>>While standards guide what schools are to teach, school districts have sole authority to choose curriculum and books.
In November, the state abruptly canceled a search to buy 55,000 King James Bibles, an effort that attracted criticism for appearing to exclude all Bibles except an expensive version endorsed by President ....<<
#OklahomaWatch #Oklahoma #RyanWalters #Bible #OKED #OklaEd #Education #ChristianNationalism
Education Department Seeks to Buy Bible Lessons for Elementary Kids #Biblesinschool #RyanWalters #Education
Ryan Walters Is Trying to Out-MAGA His Peers and It’s Making Things Awkward in Oklahoma #U.S.Rep.TomCole #Gov.KevinStitt #Joshbresheen #RyanWalters #Government
Long Story Short: Traffic Scheme Nets Texas County DA’s Office Millions #Gov.KevinStitt #legislature #RyanWalters #TexasCounty #Podcasts #HUD
Ryan Walters’ Minister of Propaganda Departs Agency… #EverythingElse #RyanWalters
Oklahoma's Gov Stitt finally takes a stand against one of Ryan Walter's ridiculous policies: mandating the state collect school children's immigration status.
The public GOP-on-GOP spat may be instructive in how this dysfunctional GOP (hopefully) eventually falls apart. Meanwhile, Oklahoma's children's education continues to fall behind.
#OklahomaVoice #Oklahoma #OkEd #OklaEd #Education #Immigration #RyanWalters #KevinStitt
And ooooooooh does #RyanWalters ever have the big mad!
This is the first thing #KevinStitt has done that I have thought will be of benefit to the state of Oklahoma and it's children in particular.
Now to see if his three new board members can actually (1) bring #RyanWalters to heel for the next two years and (2) effect changes that benefit kids on the ground in reality.
Stitt ousts 3 from Okla State Bd of Ed over ‘political drama’ #OklahomaStateSuperintendentRyanWalters #OklahomaStateBoardofEducation #Oklahomalowtestscores #GovernorKevinStitt #RyanWalters #StateNews
One of the things I will be doing is continuing my read of Dr. King's WHY WE CANT WAIT and discussing it with my 12yo daughter. I want her to know the truth in opposition to whatever *additional* whitewashing racist bullshit is about to enter her school curriculum thanks to the USA-Führer and one of his most loyal and fanatical minions, Oklahoma State Superintendent #RyanWalters.
Oh good, Ryan Walters was passed over for the upcoming Republican administration's education secretary for...
*checks notes*
...the WWE founder's future ex-wife who resigned from the CT education board after less than a year for violating campaign contribution rules.
That was Walter's undoing: he apparently didn't do the proper illegal stuff.
When I see #RyanWalters identifying anything as "porn," I'm reminded of my teenage years when my prefrontal cortex was not fully developed and I, too, thought everything was porn.
My point is: Walters is an immature kid who honestly believes everyone is as uncontrollably horny as him.