Day 19 of #The100DayProject
A few days ago I had Jane Goodall. For today’s prompt a portrait of a true #legend
#PastInktober 15/2019 #FountainPen #WaterColour #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
Day 19 of #The100DayProject
A few days ago I had Jane Goodall. For today’s prompt a portrait of a true #legend
#PastInktober 15/2019 #FountainPen #WaterColour #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
Day 16 #The100DayProject
When Jane Goodall started out observing chimpansees out in the wild, she was considered a #misfit. Not that I remotely dare to compare myself to her, but I’ve always preferred being a misfit than trying to fit in. People never quite know what to think of me as I’m such a misfit
#PastInktober #FountainPen #WaterColour #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
Day 15 #The100DayProject
My daughter once build a slingshot. She was so proud, beautifully made with those small elastics that were a big hit about 12 years ago. Unfortunately the #sling didn’t go far Still she had lots of fun making it #PastInktober #FountainPen #WaterColour #MixedMedia #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
Day 14 #The100DayProject
I have two pro tips for future parents or parents with young kids
1. Do buy #Lego, it’s fun ánd educational
2. Don’t #tread on Lego pieces, it hurts
#PastInktober 20/2019 #FountainPen #WaterColour Also my first attempt of drawing this pose failed miserably, so that’s when #MixedMedia comes into play
Day 13 of #The100DayProject What would you like to find if you’d dig up a #treasure chest? #PastInktober 21/2019 #FountainPen #WaterColour #Collage #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
Day 12 of#The100DayProject. Last night as I was almost falling asleep, I suddenly was thinking about a #ghost dragon beneath towering skyscrapers. Obviously in my mind it looks even better than I can express on paper. The good thing about ghosts and dragons is that nobody has ever seen them IRL. Even if somebody has, they can't proof what they looked like. So that's always easier drawing. I did stick white for something ghosty #PastInktober #FountainPen #WaterColour #Midori #InkyParkers
Paper warping is such a problem for me when drawing. Maybe the Midori cotton paper is less willing to buckle?
Day 11 of #The100DayProject and prompt is #Ancient for my #PastInktober
The science was doing so wel in ancient Roman times. Then came along the dark ages with an enormous set back in science. I feel we’ve come full circle in history repeating itself. I often wonder how scientist in Ancient Rome felt about the downfall
#FountainPen #WaterColour #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
Day 10 of #The100DayProject. My hopscotch thinking with the prompt #dizzy was thinking my son was ill last week, one of the symptoms being dizzy. Thinking Charlotte Salomon did some great paintings of people in bed, so looking her up for inspiration led to this drawing of partial elements that can be found in my house, but a lot made up as well. My son feeling dizzy, lying in bed upstairs in the attic.
Day 9 of #The100DayProject #PastInktober. Just in time before I head to bed. Really tired after a busy day. Not sure if I’d really use #tasty for cakes, but that’s what I wanted to draw, because who isn’t in for a high tea? You can wake me up any time for that.
I know I’m not the only one here with too many inks. So today’s prompt #dark for my past #PastInktober on day 8 of #The100DayProject is perfect to use quite some ink with my #FountainPen in my #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
The paper curling up makes the sheen show up perfectly of this KWZ Sheen Machine ink
Day 7 #The100DayProject and #Coat as prompt for #PastInktober. My favorite red coat
I bought some water colour pencils. I’m very happy with how they can be used.
Having moved here from another server as I couldn’t see a lot of content for #The100DayProject So continuing here on day 6. Also with my #PastInktober. Today’s prompt is #Ride. My favorite vehicle a #bicycle. Well at least for short distances, which I count anything under 10km. What is your favorite vehicle to ride? #FountainPen #Pencils #Midori #undatedA5 #InkyParker51
@mlanger Make, don’t buy. They’re not that impressive, and they have a major design flaw in that the band that holds it shut is secured with a knot through a hole in the middle of the back cover, making for an uneven writing surface. #notebooks #midori
@Av8rdan @Paulatics
Friends don't let friends use Brave.
1st and foremost because it's run by a misogynistic homophobe and secondly because it supports a shady crypto scam.