Gee, it's a mystery! If you're an idiot.
As tuberculosis cases rise in the US and worldwide, health officials puzzle over the resurgence of a disease once in decline

Gee, it's a mystery! If you're an idiot.
As tuberculosis cases rise in the US and worldwide, health officials puzzle over the resurgence of a disease once in decline
#Trump rend l’environnement économique encore plus « incertain » que le #Covid!
If you are 65+ and/or moderately to severely immunocompromised, CDC still recommends you get a second dose of the 2024-5 Covid booster 6 months after your first. That means we're coming up on the time for your "spring booster" if you got a booster in the fall.
Thought I'd throw that out there because Sideshow Bob will obviously make no effort to promote these life saving recommendations.
#covid #CovidTests #CovidTesting #PublicHealth
'The government recently shut down the program that would mail four free COVID tests to anyone who requested them, but a lesser-known program for community groups is still running. If you have a plan to distribute tests for free, you can request them by the hundreds. '
I was so grateful when stores implemented this, but it was all some weird sort of ploy because they soon stopped pretending to give a shit. #covid #CovidMemories
so, Island Health has apparently been trying to contact us for urgent tests, but Gmail is flagging emails from them as Spam and Suspicious - go figure that tech is against public health
Never heard of paravirus 'parainfluenza' - but that is what we have, and they want more from us.... and a good friend who is an infectious disease NP is like WTAF!!!
I have a much harder time thinking these days. There are times I'm so tired that when I go to talk, I speak gibberish. I forget words all the time. Trying to find the word is like dragging my brain through a glue trap. I have a hard time reading any one thing for very long. I'm glad I can still write coherently, but I don't seem able to write much after supper. I'm also finding that I have an extremely hard time concentrating on much of anything after supper. I'm afraid I'll have to stop signing up for online evening classes because I can barely stay alert during them. It feels an awful lot like when I had mono back in 1989. #LongCovidAwarenessDay #LongCovid #Covid #BrainFog
As far as I know, I've only had COVID once. It was a "mild" case. It didn't feel any worse than a cold and a bit of a sore throat for me. And even though I was fully vaccinated, took Paxlovid right away, and rested very very hard for three months (going to bed whenever I felt even the slightest bit tired), I still ended up with long COVID. I was strong and healthy before. I trained five days a week at the gym and yoga studio and hiked on weekends.
I'm scared shitless about getting COVID again. I'm one of the very few people I know who still masks regularly. #LongCovidAwarenessDay #LongCovid #Covid #MaskUp
The year is 2025. I'm trying to convince someone of germ theory. No, you did not get COVID from the rain. You got COVID from a virus.
Wife is entering week 4, I'm in week 3 of an 'unknown' virus that truly feels like a combination of noro and Covid. Reduced lung function, no appetite, incredible fatigue
She was tested for everything at ER with no conclusion. Now friends reporting they have this and are cancelling Spring Break trips.
Stay masked, stay safe - public health is asleep
It’s another #COVID anniversary, which means various people are sincerely asking whether “we” are “prepared” for the “next” pandemic.
(You’re not really dealing with the existing pandemic, so I’m going to say no.) #COVIDIsNotOver
Does anyone remember reading articles/posts saying that #COVID would cause #Parkinson's and #cancer in the years after infection? B/c two years after my four bouts, it now appears I have both Parkinson's and cancer. Wish I could find just one such article now.
The 5-year cover-up: How Trump’s racist strategy got buried by the media
Outbreak: #COVID-19
Facility: Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph (Toronto)
Facility Type: Hospital (Chronic Care)
Unit/Floor/Area: Third Floor
Location: #Toronto #Ontario
Date: 2025-03-10
Public Health Unit: Toronto Public Health
Facility Tracking Hash: #TPHU0177
PHU Tracking Hash: #OnObTPHU
Click or follow tracking hashtags to see data for individual facilities or a specific public health unit.
Today is Long Covid awareness day. An example of the lack of awareness: Last month one of my Long Covid patients died in the hospital. CT scan reported ground glass opacities in the lungs characteristic of Covid but it was ignored. None of the clinical notes made mention of this.
#COVID #LongCovid
This is the view from my bed, where I’ve been spending more time than I ever thought I would.
I got #Covid in May 2023, and then again in December 2023 (that time, from being the only masked person in a doctor’s waiting room). I had had all the shots and boosters, and took an antiviral each time I was infected. I’ve tried medication and supplements for my tachycardia, brain fog, extreme fatigue, and neuropathy.
I still have long Covid.
Outbreak: #COVID-19
Facility: Houses Of Providence
Facility Type: LTC Home
Unit/Floor/Area: 2W - Elm & Pine
Location: #Toronto #Ontario
Date: 2025-03-10
Public Health Unit: Toronto Public Health
Facility Tracking Hash: #TPHU0068
PHU Tracking Hash: #OnObTPHU
Click or follow tracking hashtags to see data for individual facilities or a specific public health unit.
@jeffgilchrist Well, ON and AB for sure are conservative provinces who have been long time #COVID deniers and #antivaxxers, so there is that. But the other provinces??
Wenn Bundespräsident #Steinmeier über die nötige “Aufarbeitung” der #Corona-#Pandemie spricht, klingt das so, als wollte er noch den letzten Querdenker besänftigen. Wann und wie wird eigentlich wieder der #Covid-Toten gedacht (letzte Gedenkfeier war bei 80.000 Toten 2021, jetzt sind es mehr als doppelt so viele), wie werden deren Angehörige, Menschen mit #LongCovid “abgeholt”? Wie wird gewürdigt, dass Zehntausende Menschen nur wegen Pflegekräften, Hygienemaßnahmen, Impfungen noch am Leben sind?